Local, state, and federal air permitting and compliance.
Air quality and climate change studies for CEQA and NEPA.
Emissions inventories for criteria pollutants, toxic air contaminants (TAC), and greenhouse gasses (GHG), including CalEEMod.
Air dispersion modeling (AERMOD, ISCST3) and health risk assessment (HRA, HARP).
Emissions control device/mitigation measure design, analysis, and selection.
Emissions reduction credits (ERCs) and offsets.
Noise impact assessments for CEQA and NEPA.
Noise generation and propagation modeling (SoundPlan, Traffic Noise Model, Construction).
Measurement and monitoring of industrial, traffic, construction, and ambient noise sources (sound level meters, noise dosimeters).
Community noise assessment.
Noise control device/mitigation measure design and selection.
Vibration analysis.
Industrial Stormwater Pollution Prevention Plan (SWPPP) preparation and compliance.
Construction SWPPP preparation and compliance.
Qualified SWPPP Developer/Qualified SWPPP Practitioner (QSD/QSP).
Certified Professional in Erosion and Sediment Control (CPESC).
CUPA compliance, including Spill Prevention, Control, and Countermeasure (SPCC) plans, Hazardous Materials Business Plans (HMBP), Underground Storage Tanks (UST), and CERS system reporting.
Wastewater discharge permitting and compliance (sewer, NPDES, WDR).
Environmental compliance management system development.
Employee training.
Workplace exposure monitoring program development and compliance, including Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) sampling, noise dosimetery, ultraviolet (UV) sampling, and heat assessment.
Hearing protection program development and compliance.
Employee training.